who are we?
We are a group of young teachers whose biggest joy and aspiration is to offer unforgettable experiences for the biggest adventurers among us - the children. Through our outdoor adventures every child has the opportunity to improve upon their knowledge and skills, foster new friendships and last but not least, discover their love for the mountains.
Management Team
Elena is the co-founder and executive director of Plamnina Foundation. She is an English teacher in the city of Sofia, a psychologist and an avid mountain hiker. To her learning, curiosity and exploration are the most exciting adventures. She firmly believes that the best way for them to happen is in natural surrounding through shared experiences and meaningful relationships. The mountains are the love of her life where she finds peace, freedom and connectedness.
Elena Tatarova
Executive Director

Marin-Asen Kodzhaivanov
Sponsorship coordinator
Marin-Asen is one of the founding members of Plamnina Foundation. He was born in Sliven but grew up in Haskovo. He has graduated from Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” with a Bachelor in History and as of 2018, he works as an English teacher in the town of Samokov. He enjoys cooking, hiking and planting his own fruits and vegetables. One of his dreams is to plant over 100 trees. He has a deep appreciation for Modern Bulgarian history and nature following in the footsteps of Bulgarian writer Aleko Konstantinov as a nature explorer.

Katerina is a board member and Marketing Coordinator of Plamnina Foundation. She is currently a senior in AUBG studying Media, Communication and Marketing. In her free time, she enjoys music, theater and dreams of becoming a film director. The mountains give her the peace and calm her soul longs for. During the summer you can find her in the village Davidkovo painting, eating lentil soups or strolling around the forest (often all at once).
Katerina Stoyanova
Marketing Coordinator

Nikolai is an adventurer who is not afraid to discover new places and meet new people. For him, the mountain is like a temple for the soul, full of peace and tranquility. From an early age he loves challenges and dreams of a wonderful life filled with many emotions and wonderful memories. In addition, he is extremely talented and creates masterpieces of woodcarving.
Yanko Morunov
Georgraphy & Nature

Диана е любител ва пътуването, ученето и изследването на нови култури. Кара ски зимата и ходи на преходи лятото на крак, с колело или каяк. Край лагерния огън е нейното щастливо място, мечтае да обиколи света и да не скучае никога, обича уюта на хижата и чувството на гордост при изкачване на нов връх.
Координатор Участници

Моника е доброволец във фондация "ПлаМнина" от 2022 година. В момента е студентка в УАСГ - бъдещ инженер с огромна любов към планината. За нея времето, прекарано сред природата е начин за презареждане и забравяне на проблемите от големия град. Обича да уча всеки ден по нещо ново и с радост споделя знанията и опита си с другите. Моника вярва, че приключенията сред природата изграждат силни, уверени и любознателни личности, затова с нетърпение очаква всяка следваща среща с участниците на лагери!
Координатор Обучения

Christiana is 19 years old from Sofia. She is an intern at the PlaMnina Foundation. She has loved the mountains since she was a child, thanks to her grandfather, but for a short time she lost that connection. Thanks to Elena Tatarova, Chrissy regains her flame and love for our beautiful mountains. She spends her free time in her favorite village Petrovo, admiring the beautiful view of Slavyanka together with her dog Bella.
Kristiana Tonova

Zori is 19, from Sofia and she is currently a geography student. In his spare time he is an intern at the PlaMnina Foundation. Zori is curious, energetic, loving and chaotic, just like a small child. This helps her to find her love for the mountain and show it to our younger mountaineers.
Zornitsa Gaydarska

Kiara Efremova
Kiara has been a PlaMnina camper for two years, but became part of the team in the summer of 2021. She loves animals, nature and learning new knowledge. He is interested in almost everything. He is currently studying biology and chemistry, and in his spare time he enjoys painting, creating, filming and playing the piano. In the mountains she finds peace, inspiration, adventure and emotion. He likes to laugh and help people, to show them how beautiful the world is - the sad and happy moments.